The whole church pulled a fast one on me that evening. As I stepped up to teach at the conference, they screamed, “We love you, Pastor Temi”.

They supported it with placards. In a rush, a lot of things came flashing by. I loved and appreciated the moment.

I remember telling Irewamiri afterwards, “No matter the public approval and accolades that a man gets, if none comes from his wife and family, it will amount to nothing”.

Dear young wife, fan the ego of your man. I remember that day after teaching; my wife said, “Man of God, now you can be my baby”. I had a good laugh. But it lifted my heart.

Please talk to his future. Tell him he is making sense. Look at the little things that he has done right and celebrate him.

Get him excited when going to work- promotion will soon knock on the door. Business will go to another level.

Get him expectant to return home. Keep him busy with thoughts of you at intervals during the day. Get creative.

One of those days when he is stepping out to work, draw him back before he leaves the room, plant a deep kiss on his lips. Watch him respond with glee and whisper to him, “What’s your plan this night?”
Ah! That day is made already. It is not all the time that he should return to a wrapper and tired face. When he sees you, let the tiredness disappear at your royal hotness.

Please know about his business. Have an idea. Stimulate his mind with ideas you have. Let him be able to discuss some of his career challenges with you- be his advisor.

Believe in his dreams. My spiritual father told me years ago, “Do not marry a woman who does not believe in God’s vision for your life, or you will be frustrated for the rest of your days”.

Be his cheerleader. Cheer him on to greater things. Celebrate small victories together.

Let Him be a man outside, fan the King in him but let him be your “baby” also. Pamper him silly. There is still that small boy that wants attention in every man.

When in the crowd, look at him and wink! Let non-verbal vibes be a part of how you roll.

Be His greatest fan. Stimulate his mind. Fan His Ego. Get his head spinning. Approve Him!

Get his heart. Have his hand. Walk together.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing