I sat on the deep freezer in the kitchen as I narrated to my lovely wife that after all we had put into getting the process done, we would have to begin again- the little hundreds of thousands was gone. I could not hold back the drops of tears that came running down my eyes. It was meant to be […]

There is love in sharing


That day as we climbed the steps to his office, he asked to know the church that has the highest impact on young people in Eruwa. I began to mention churches with a huge number of youths in attendance. Baba told me, “Son, when I ask you about impact, do not talk to me about numbers”. The truth is I […]

There is love in sharing


When my phone rang that afternoon, it was a much needed answers to prayers. A family I love called to inform me of their decision to send their tithe to the ministry in Eruwa every month. I was overjoyed. I was so glad. This is breakthrough. Then comes the night as I prayed and God told me to turn it […]

There is love in sharing


I was on my way to a speaking engagement when the call of a dear daughter came through: “Pastor, I wanted to tell you that I got an invitation to speak and the pressure to go is high but I sense I should stay because it would mean that I would abandon my local assembly here that day” She turned […]

There is love in sharing


There was a day that I was at work and my Dad called me to help do something for him. It was a busy time and I honestly did not want any other schedule to intrude. I initially said “No! I cannot” but my heart smote me. I realised that if my spiritual father calls me at that same moment, […]

There is love in sharing


When the minister finished preaching, we began to share about how she was a blessing to me. I thanked her. Then I got to introduce myself. My name did not ring a bell but as we spoke, she asked about the ministry and where it was. The moment I said, “Eruwa”, the discussion changed. “I know you. You are the […]

There is love in sharing


SILENT AUDITIONS 1 I stumbled on an old note of mine of late. I saw some things that the Lord instructed me to do. But my heart broke. Why? The one who was meant to enjoy the benefit written in it was not patient enough. When God told Samuel that He had chosen one of the sons of Jesse to […]

There is love in sharing


As we prayed, I picked an impression that we should give thanks to God but not just by singing songs. I requested everyone to write down 12 specific things they are grateful to God for. It was when we began to write that it dawned on me that making a list of things to be grateful for was not as […]

There is love in sharing


When I saw it, I said it out. Irewamiri asked, “Where did you see that?” I told her it was right on my phone. I had taken note a while back that: “Whatever will cause the downfall of a man followed him to the top”. Can I say it again? “Whatever will cause the downfall of a man followed him […]

There is love in sharing


On the trip, the police officer asked me to park for routine check. After checking the car’s trunk, he requested for the papers and my driver’s license. I handed it over to me. While checking the papers, he asked me, “Are you a Pastor?” I replied in the affirmative. He said to me, “You should have introduced yourself and I […]

There is love in sharing